HTTP Server Interface

The HTTP Server provides the architecture to expose a RESTful API for communication with your microservice. This is the most common framework used for services in other languages.

This is NOT intended for use as a public web server. It has no built-in templating mechanisms, or security features. It is an absolute bare-bones implementation of an HTTP server.


The HTTP Server binds callbacks to URL's and allows for distinguishing between types of requests.

#include "aossl/http/server/factory_http_server.h"
#include "aossl/http/server/http_server_interface.h"

//Set up the HTTP Server
HttpServerFactory http_server_factory;
HttpServerInterface *http = http_server_factory.get_http_server_interface("", 12345);

Bind some callbacks against specific URLs

http->bind_callback("/", process_request);
http->bind_callback("/test", process_test_request);

Bind a default callback, which is called when a bound callback is not found for the request URL. Useful for API's that rely on dynamic URL construction for querying


Here, we bind the specified URL and port to a particular callback function, process_request(). Note that a string is returned from the method with the value being sent back to the client

std::string process_request(struct Request *req)
  std::string resp = "";
  if (req->req_err->err_code == NOERROR)
    if (req->req_type == HTTP_GET)
      resp = "Get Request";
      std::cout << resp << std::endl;
    else if (req->req_type == HTTP_PUT)
      resp = "Put Request";
      std::cout << resp << std::endl;
    else if (req->req_type == HTTP_POST)
      resp = "Post Request";
      std::cout << resp << std::endl;
      std::cout << req->req_data << std::endl;
    else if (req->req_type == HTTP_DELETE)
      resp = "Delete Request";
      std::cout << resp << std::endl;
      resp = "Unknown Request Type";
      std::cout << resp << req->req_type << std::endl;
  return resp;

And we distinguish between the types via the req_type pointer, as above.

We can also bind a default callback, which get's called whenever a bound URI is not found. This can be particular useful for allowing access to things like key-value stores


All callbacks match the following method signature: std::string process_request(struct Request *req)

The Request object has a few properties which are relevant:

The Request Error, if present, will come in the form of:

//! A struct that gets passed to callbacks to transmit errors
struct RequestError
  //! A numerical error code
  int err_code;

  //! An Error message
  std::string err_message;
  RequestError() {err_code = NOERROR; err_message = "";}

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