Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CApplicationProfileApplication Session which manages configuration elements
 CBaseHttpClientBase HTTP Client
 CBufferA base buffer
 CCommandLineInterpreterFactoryThe Command Line Interpreter Service Component Factory
 CConsulComponentFactoryThe Consul Service Component Factory
 CConsulInterfaceThe Consul Administrator, who handles configuration & service discovery
 CHealthCheckA struct to hold health check information which can be added to a service
 CKeyValueStoreKey Value Store
 CKeyValueStoreInterfaceKey Value Store
 CKvBufferA Structure for storing a Key-Value pair
 CNetworkApplicationProfileExtends the TieredApplicationProfile, adding service discovery logic
 CPropertyReaderFactoryThe Property File Reader Service Component Factory
 CSafeApplicationProfileApplication Session which accepts default configuration values
 CServiceA Service class which can be registered with Consul for each app instance
 CServiceInterfaceA Service class which can be registered with Consul for each app instance
 CSslCertificateBufferA Structure for storing an SSL Certificate
 CStringBufferA Structure for holding a single value
 CTieredApplicationProfileBiased Application Session which implements tiered configuration
 CUuidComponentFactoryThe UUID Service Component Factory
 CUuidInterfaceUUID Admin