Consul Interface

Consul Administrator

Consul is responsible for Service Registration & Discovery, as well as Key-Value Retrieval.


We start by importing the necessary interfaces and establish the service factory.

#include "aossl/consul/include/consul_interface.h"
#include "aossl/consul/include/factory_consul.h"

AOSSL::ConsulComponentFactory consul_factory;

Next, we define a Service which represents the current instance of the code.

This contains an ID, a name, a connection, and a port number. Tags can be added or not:

AOSSL::ServiceInterface *s = consul_factory.get_service_interface("1", "test", "http://localhost/", "5555");

And build our Consul Admin, specifying the connection address:

AOSSL::ConsulInterface *ca = consul_factory.get_consul_interface("localhost:8500");

Now, we can register the currently running instance of a service with Consul


And, we can unregister on shutdown:


We can get and set key-value storage elements:

bool success = ca->set_config_value("Test", "123");

std::string test_val = ca->get_config_value("Test");

The Consul Admin also supports querying available services, nodes, and datacenters. Please see the API documentation for all available queries, as well as the Consul HTTP API for details on expected responses.

All responses from the Consul Admin are strings which hold the JSON response from the Consul HTTP API. Configuration Values retrieved from the KV store in Consul are also returned as JSON, and the value returned is encoded in base64. A convenience method is provided for decoding the text from base64. Please see the Consul documentation for further details.


The Consul Admin utilizes HTTP to communicate. It is threadsafe except for the methods marked as not, but has a mutex on the HTTP Send function, so only one value can be retrieved at a time.

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